Taking a Punch

It was like watching the toughest football player from Phillips Andover Academy set out to put a street kid from Queens in his place and getting the surprise of his life.

Quiet and polite Jeb Bush, of Phillips Andover Academy, rolled out a video saying Donald Trump was a Manhattan liberal.

In the blink of an eye, lips curling, Trump shot back Bush was ‘low energy’ which, translated, means Jeb Bush is a wimp.

Bush called a press conference to deny he was a wimp then in the middle of a question, suddenly, segued into speaking Spanish – and the street kid from Queens pounced, again, saying no self-respecting American running for President of the United States, at a press conference in the United States, ought to be speaking Spanish.

Round One to Queens.

In Round Two Phillips Andover took Queens to task for praising Hillary Clinton, showing a video of Trump saying, I think Hillary is a terrific woman.

In the blink of an eye Queens punched back with his own video showing Bush praising Hillary too – making Bush look like a hypocrite.

Round Two to Queens.

By the start of Round Three it was clear even to Phillips Andover standing toe-to-toe with Queens was a losing strategy. To whip Queens it was going to take another street kid. Or another Super-Alpha-Male – who didn’t speak Spanish.

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Carter Wrenn



Taking a Punch

It was like watching the toughest football player from Phillips Andover Academy set out to put a street kid from Queens in his place and getting the surprise of his life.

Quiet and polite Jeb Bush, of Phillips Andover Academy, rolled out a video saying Donald Trump was a Manhattan liberal.

In the blink of an eye, lips curling, Trump shot back Bush was ‘low energy’ which, translated, means Jeb Bush is a wimp.

Bush called a press conference to deny he was a wimp then in the middle of a question, suddenly, segued into speaking Spanish – and the street kid from Queens pounced, again, saying no self-respecting American running for President of the United States, at a press conference in the United States, ought to be speaking Spanish.

Round One to Queens.

In Round Two Phillips Andover took Queens to task for praising Hillary Clinton, showing a video of Trump saying, I think Hillary is a terrific woman.

In the blink of an eye Queens punched back with his own video showing Bush praising Hillary too – making Bush look like a hypocrite.

Round Two to Queens.

By the start of Round Three it was clear even to Phillips Andover standing toe-to-toe with Queens was a losing strategy. To whip Queens it was going to take another street kid. Or another Super-Alpha-Male – who didn’t speak Spanish.

Posted in
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Carter Wrenn

