Sock the rich

In North Carolina, thousands rally for an aging lefty in his race against Bill and Hillary Clinton’s New Democratic Party. In Britain, Tony Blair’s New Labour Party picks an aging, even-leftier lefty for its new leader. What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?

What’s going on isn’t just on the left. It’s on the right, too. It underlies the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the fall of Jeb Bush and Scott Walker.

It’s resentment of the rich. It’s a reaction against the lingering damage from George Bush’s 2008 recession. It’s a direct result of middle America feeling doubly screwed: left behind economically and marginalized politically.

A big reason for Trump’s rise is that he tells the truth about the Republican Party: that it and all of its establishment candidates are owned by and indebted to a handful of billionaires.

When even Republicans rebel against the rich, you know something radical is going on in the body politic.

Conventional wisdom is always that campaigns will go along conventionally. Which they do, until they don’t.

This may be the time they don’t.


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Gary Pearce



Sock the rich

In North Carolina, thousands rally for an aging lefty in his race against Bill and Hillary Clinton’s New Democratic Party. In Britain, Tony Blair’s New Labour Party picks an aging, even-leftier lefty for its new leader. What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?

What’s going on isn’t just on the left. It’s on the right, too. It underlies the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the fall of Jeb Bush and Scott Walker.

It’s resentment of the rich. It’s a reaction against the lingering damage from George Bush’s 2008 recession. It’s a direct result of middle America feeling doubly screwed: left behind economically and marginalized politically.

A big reason for Trump’s rise is that he tells the truth about the Republican Party: that it and all of its establishment candidates are owned by and indebted to a handful of billionaires.

When even Republicans rebel against the rich, you know something radical is going on in the body politic.

Conventional wisdom is always that campaigns will go along conventionally. Which they do, until they don’t.

This may be the time they don’t.


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Gary Pearce

