The legislature’s amazing achievement

You’ve got to hand it to ‘em. You thought it was impossible. But the North Carolina legislature did it: They made South Carolina look progressive.

South Carolina took down the Confederate flag, while our legislature is making it impossible to take down Confederate statues and monuments.

Falling behind the rest of the South is par for this legislature’s course, of course. They chased off the film industry, they want to chase off the renewable-energy industry, they let other Southern states eat our lunch on industrial recruitment, and they got us to the bottom in teacher pay fast.

But their work is not yet done.

As the lost-causers say, “Fergit, hell!”


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Gary Pearce



The legislature’s amazing achievement

You’ve got to hand it to ‘em. You thought it was impossible. But the North Carolina legislature did it: They made South Carolina look progressive.

South Carolina took down the Confederate flag, while our legislature is making it impossible to take down Confederate statues and monuments.

Falling behind the rest of the South is par for this legislature’s course, of course. They chased off the film industry, they want to chase off the renewable-energy industry, they let other Southern states eat our lunch on industrial recruitment, and they got us to the bottom in teacher pay fast.

But their work is not yet done.

As the lost-causers say, “Fergit, hell!”


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Gary Pearce

