A Mistake

Despite being heavily outnumbered by the Iraqi Army ISIS rolled right into Ramadi and after the Iraqis skedaddled the Secretary of Defense told CNN it sure looked like our allies had lost the “will to fight.”

Then Baghdad announced it had stopped retreating and was counter-attacking – then Baghdad announced it had Ramadi surrounded – and the White House happily announced it did look like the Iraqi Army had the ‘will to fight.’

Then the US Army reported our allies hadn’t surrounded anyone – which led former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to observe if America’s security depends on whipping ISIS, counting on the Iraqi Army to get the job done looked like a mistake.

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Carter Wrenn



A Mistake

Despite being heavily outnumbered by the Iraqi Army ISIS rolled right into Ramadi and after the Iraqis skedaddled the Secretary of Defense told CNN it sure looked like our allies had lost the “will to fight.”

Then Baghdad announced it had stopped retreating and was counter-attacking – then Baghdad announced it had Ramadi surrounded – and the White House happily announced it did look like the Iraqi Army had the ‘will to fight.’

Then the US Army reported our allies hadn’t surrounded anyone – which led former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to observe if America’s security depends on whipping ISIS, counting on the Iraqi Army to get the job done looked like a mistake.

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Carter Wrenn

