An Easter Thought

For Christians, Easter is more than eggs, ham and bunnies. It’s a celebration of the central miracle and mystery of faith – the resurrection of Jesus, the hope of salvation and the promise of everlasting life.
Meanwhile, the secular political world is roiled over laws that, critics say, would let people of faith discriminate against LGBT people.
This Easter weekend, then, let’s ponder what Jesus might do. Condemn LGBT people and condone discrimination against them? Turn them away from the inn, as it were?
Apparently, many people of faith fervently answer yes.
Many others find it abhorrent to their faith and their understanding.
Maybe we ought to do more praying and less judging.
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Gary Pearce



An Easter Thought

For Christians, Easter is more than eggs, ham and bunnies. It’s a celebration of the central miracle and mystery of faith – the resurrection of Jesus, the hope of salvation and the promise of everlasting life.
Meanwhile, the secular political world is roiled over laws that, critics say, would let people of faith discriminate against LGBT people.
This Easter weekend, then, let’s ponder what Jesus might do. Condemn LGBT people and condone discrimination against them? Turn them away from the inn, as it were?
Apparently, many people of faith fervently answer yes.
Many others find it abhorrent to their faith and their understanding.
Maybe we ought to do more praying and less judging.
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Gary Pearce

