The N&O’s Poll Hole

There is a theory about that The News & Observer/WRAL pre-election poll on the Wake County school bonds lulled opponents into complacency and spurred supporters to victory. Whether or not it did, the newspaper needs to take a hard look at why the poll was so far wrong.

The explanation by the pollster – Del Ali of Research 2000 – was that the poll was accurate when it was taken two weeks before the election. But voters’ opinions changed.

I don’t buy it.

The same outfit had a poll several months ago showing the same result.

Plus, my experience is that voters who say they’ll vote against a bond issue don’t change their minds and then vote for it.

Two local polls – by Public Policy Polling and by the Home Builders of Wake County – got it right. (Public Policy Polling is run, by the way, by Justin Guillory, son of Ferrel Guillory. The Home Builders poll was by Conquest Communications out of Virginia.)

There’s one question I’d ask the N&O about its poll: How much did you spend on it?

Too often, media outlets buy polls on the cheap. And they get what they pay for. They’re more interested in a headline than real analysis.

Good campaigns, on the other hand, spend what it takes to get a good poll. Bad research means bad campaign strategy.

Polls are like anything else you buy. Some are good, and some are bad. Any number of things can cause a wrong poll: poor turnout sampling, poor-quality callers and just overall sloppy work

So, if I was editor of the N&O, I’d fire Research 2000 and hire another pollster.

Of course, this all may just be sour grapes: I relied on the Old Reliable’s poll. If I hadn’t, I’d have gone 9-1 on my election predictions instead of 8-2.

My other miss: I said Roger Koopman would beat Paul Coble for county commissioner. But Paul and Tom Fetzer did a good job of painting Paul as a pro-education Democrat. Let’s see if he votes that way on the board.

Also, a salute to Brad Crone and Ballard Everett, the two local consultants who ran the school bond campaign.

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Gary Pearce



The N&O’s Poll Hole

There is a theory about that The News & Observer/WRAL pre-election poll on the Wake County school bonds lulled opponents into complacency and spurred supporters to victory. Whether or not it did, the newspaper needs to take a hard look at why the poll was so far wrong.

The explanation by the pollster – Del Ali of Research 2000 – was that the poll was accurate when it was taken two weeks before the election. But voters’ opinions changed.

I don’t buy it.

The same outfit had a poll several months ago showing the same result.

Plus, my experience is that voters who say they’ll vote against a bond issue don’t change their minds and then vote for it.

Two local polls – by Public Policy Polling and by the Home Builders of Wake County – got it right. (Public Policy Polling is run, by the way, by Justin Guillory, son of Ferrel Guillory. The Home Builders poll was by Conquest Communications out of Virginia.)

There’s one question I’d ask the N&O about its poll: How much did you spend on it?

Too often, media outlets buy polls on the cheap. And they get what they pay for. They’re more interested in a headline than real analysis.

Good campaigns, on the other hand, spend what it takes to get a good poll. Bad research means bad campaign strategy.

Polls are like anything else you buy. Some are good, and some are bad. Any number of things can cause a wrong poll: poor turnout sampling, poor-quality callers and just overall sloppy work

So, if I was editor of the N&O, I’d fire Research 2000 and hire another pollster.

Of course, this all may just be sour grapes: I relied on the Old Reliable’s poll. If I hadn’t, I’d have gone 9-1 on my election predictions instead of 8-2.

My other miss: I said Roger Koopman would beat Paul Coble for county commissioner. But Paul and Tom Fetzer did a good job of painting Paul as a pro-education Democrat. Let’s see if he votes that way on the board.

Also, a salute to Brad Crone and Ballard Everett, the two local consultants who ran the school bond campaign.

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Gary Pearce

