
The news from Iraq was puzzling.

West of Baghdad, ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) was whipping our allies the al-Maliki government.
At the same time, next door in Syria, President Assad was bombing our enemy ISIS.
Meanwhile, in Washington, President Obama was asking Congress for $500 million to send guns to Syrian rebels so they could attack Assad.
Which was wise, the President said, since the rebels are moderates who’ll attack ISIS too.
Only, up until now, the President has said we shouldn’t send arms to Syria because it’s too hard to tell a moderate from an immoderate rebel and the guns might end up in the hands of the wrong people – like ISIS.
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Carter Wrenn




The news from Iraq was puzzling.

West of Baghdad, ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) was whipping our allies the al-Maliki government.
At the same time, next door in Syria, President Assad was bombing our enemy ISIS.
Meanwhile, in Washington, President Obama was asking Congress for $500 million to send guns to Syrian rebels so they could attack Assad.
Which was wise, the President said, since the rebels are moderates who’ll attack ISIS too.
Only, up until now, the President has said we shouldn’t send arms to Syria because it’s too hard to tell a moderate from an immoderate rebel and the guns might end up in the hands of the wrong people – like ISIS.
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Carter Wrenn

