McCrory as a Manager

A TAPster who is a veteran of corporate America and the Raleigh political scene offers another take on Governor McCrory and the Charlotte Observer column:
“Gary’s blog ‘McCrory under siege’ and the Observer story that prompted it are revealing, but the governor’s thin skin and ego are not the weaknesses that doom the McCrory administration.

“Being a governor is about being a tough manager, a thoughtful strategist, a bully and a visionary. McCrory is none of these, which is a sad surprise to his disappointed friends around the state. He has no idea where his team is headed, and his floundering, undisciplined (yet well compensated) team certainly doesn’t either.

“An example of this was the sidewalk exchange this week between Art Pope and Rev. William Barber with a gaggle of citizen and media witnesses. No boss in his right mind would encourage an atmosphere where a senior staffer would think freelance banter is ok, but it’s ok on Team Pat. In most organizations, such a misdeed would lead to a firing.

“The Observer article painfully noted that Pat often doesn’t always make sense
when he talks. If he can’t articulate his message to a newspaper reporter in a way that makes sense, he certainly can’t articulate a vision if he had one. He whines about negative media coverage, but that makes him looks like, well, a whiner.
“No organization can survive if the boss is a thin-skinned, egotistical whiner – and not much else.”
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Gary Pearce



McCrory as a Manager

A TAPster who is a veteran of corporate America and the Raleigh political scene offers another take on Governor McCrory and the Charlotte Observer column:
“Gary’s blog ‘McCrory under siege’ and the Observer story that prompted it are revealing, but the governor’s thin skin and ego are not the weaknesses that doom the McCrory administration.

“Being a governor is about being a tough manager, a thoughtful strategist, a bully and a visionary. McCrory is none of these, which is a sad surprise to his disappointed friends around the state. He has no idea where his team is headed, and his floundering, undisciplined (yet well compensated) team certainly doesn’t either.

“An example of this was the sidewalk exchange this week between Art Pope and Rev. William Barber with a gaggle of citizen and media witnesses. No boss in his right mind would encourage an atmosphere where a senior staffer would think freelance banter is ok, but it’s ok on Team Pat. In most organizations, such a misdeed would lead to a firing.

“The Observer article painfully noted that Pat often doesn’t always make sense
when he talks. If he can’t articulate his message to a newspaper reporter in a way that makes sense, he certainly can’t articulate a vision if he had one. He whines about negative media coverage, but that makes him looks like, well, a whiner.
“No organization can survive if the boss is a thin-skinned, egotistical whiner – and not much else.”
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Gary Pearce

