Deputy Art Pope?

A TAPster inside state government sends an intriguing follow-up to my blog about Governor McCrory calling Art Pope “deputy” budget director. That struck me as a bit defensive.  (See “McCrory’s Picks.”)
The TAPster saw a January 7 memo to all department heads and chief fiscal officers in state government. It was from “Art Pope, State Budget Director.”
That pretense didn’t last long.
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Gary Pearce



Deputy Art Pope?

A TAPster inside state government sends an intriguing follow-up to my blog about Governor McCrory calling Art Pope “deputy” budget director. That struck me as a bit defensive.  (See “McCrory’s Picks.”)
The TAPster saw a January 7 memo to all department heads and chief fiscal officers in state government. It was from “Art Pope, State Budget Director.”
That pretense didn’t last long.
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Gary Pearce

