Jim Hunt Redux

Governor Hunt, my old boss, is like a veteran rock band that still rocks. He may be 75, but he’s still on his game. Even Pat McCrory is cozying up to him.
Hunt gave a well-received speech at the Democratic Convention. Unlike a lot of speakers, he didn’t promote himself. He’s beyond needing to do that. He bragged about North Carolina and made sure Terry Sanford got his due.
The last couple of weeks, Hunt has done some innovative events for the Obama campaign, talking to voters in their homes.
Walter Dalton’s campaign made sure to quote his praise of Dalton’s education plan.
And in the gubernatorial debate last Wednesday, Pat McCrory made a point of saying how he and Governor Hunt agreed on Charlotte’s mass-transit program in 1996.
Of course, all this drives the Hunt-haters crazy. So will this blog. Which makes it even sweeter.
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Gary Pearce



Jim Hunt Redux

Governor Hunt, my old boss, is like a veteran rock band that still rocks. He may be 75, but he’s still on his game. Even Pat McCrory is cozying up to him.
Hunt gave a well-received speech at the Democratic Convention. Unlike a lot of speakers, he didn’t promote himself. He’s beyond needing to do that. He bragged about North Carolina and made sure Terry Sanford got his due.
The last couple of weeks, Hunt has done some innovative events for the Obama campaign, talking to voters in their homes.
Walter Dalton’s campaign made sure to quote his praise of Dalton’s education plan.
And in the gubernatorial debate last Wednesday, Pat McCrory made a point of saying how he and Governor Hunt agreed on Charlotte’s mass-transit program in 1996.
Of course, all this drives the Hunt-haters crazy. So will this blog. Which makes it even sweeter.
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Gary Pearce

