Another Agenda Item for Paul Coble

Since Paul Coble doesn’t have George Holding’s money, he has to find other ways to get his message out: like meetings of the Wake County Commissioners.
So far they’ve taken up same-sex marriage and the UN’s attempt to control our lives. Now it’s voter ID laws.
Coble needs to take up another issue: the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that opened the door for super-PACs. After all, a Holding-supporting super-PAC is one of Coble’s biggest campaign problems.
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Gary Pearce



Another Agenda Item for Paul Coble

Since Paul Coble doesn’t have George Holding’s money, he has to find other ways to get his message out: like meetings of the Wake County Commissioners.
So far they’ve taken up same-sex marriage and the UN’s attempt to control our lives. Now it’s voter ID laws.
Coble needs to take up another issue: the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that opened the door for super-PACs. After all, a Holding-supporting super-PAC is one of Coble’s biggest campaign problems.
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Gary Pearce

