Politics South of the Border

It was reputedly Robert E. Lee who said, “the problem with South Carolina is that it’s too small to be its own nation, but too large to be an insane asylum.” General Lee should have lived to see this year’s Republican primary.
Stephen Colbert’s candidacy officially makes the race the best comedy show on TV. And there are multiple characters and story lines to keep you entertained.
First there’s the fall of Mitt Romney. Remember when he was going to roll the table and roll to the nomination? Now, instead of winning three in a row, he’s in danger of losing two of the first three.
Newt Gingrich stole another page from Bill Clinton’s book, turning attention from his extramarital affairs to a vast left-wing media conspiracy. You have to admire his gall. Newt is never daunted by the facts. One TAPster mused: “A swinger in the White House!” Think of the fundraisers in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Then there’s Rick Santorum, the reformer turned earmarker turned born-again reformer. And perhaps the most viscerally unlikeable human being who has ever run for President.
Don’t forget everybody’s favorite crazy uncle, Ron Paul, whose supporters – as one wit noted – appear to be a mix of Tea Partiers and bong partiers.
A salute to Stephen Colbert for bringing back Herman Cain for comic relief.
We’ll miss Rick Perry, who was such a bad candidate that polls now show he would lose Texas to President Obama.
Most of all, don’t you wish Michelle Bachman and her husband were still around?
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Gary Pearce



Politics South of the Border

It was reputedly Robert E. Lee who said, “the problem with South Carolina is that it’s too small to be its own nation, but too large to be an insane asylum.” General Lee should have lived to see this year’s Republican primary.
Stephen Colbert’s candidacy officially makes the race the best comedy show on TV. And there are multiple characters and story lines to keep you entertained.
First there’s the fall of Mitt Romney. Remember when he was going to roll the table and roll to the nomination? Now, instead of winning three in a row, he’s in danger of losing two of the first three.
Newt Gingrich stole another page from Bill Clinton’s book, turning attention from his extramarital affairs to a vast left-wing media conspiracy. You have to admire his gall. Newt is never daunted by the facts. One TAPster mused: “A swinger in the White House!” Think of the fundraisers in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Then there’s Rick Santorum, the reformer turned earmarker turned born-again reformer. And perhaps the most viscerally unlikeable human being who has ever run for President.
Don’t forget everybody’s favorite crazy uncle, Ron Paul, whose supporters – as one wit noted – appear to be a mix of Tea Partiers and bong partiers.
A salute to Stephen Colbert for bringing back Herman Cain for comic relief.
We’ll miss Rick Perry, who was such a bad candidate that polls now show he would lose Texas to President Obama.
Most of all, don’t you wish Michelle Bachman and her husband were still around?
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Gary Pearce

