Bev Is Right

Give Governor Perdue credit: whether it’s good politics or not, she’s doing the right thing on the sales tax.
Unless, of course, you believe it’s right for North Carolina to be 49th in the country in education spending. And some people clearly do. That’s the crowd that wants to further defund the schools, so they can in turn blame the schools for failing, so they can in turn further defund the schools.
The only question here is whether their political act will wear thin before North Carolina suffers irreparable damage.
Fifty years ago, Terry Sanford pushed through an unpopular tax increase for education. It’s one reason he is still regarded as a North Carolina hero.
Governor Perdue has taken a big step to fill his shoes.
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Gary Pearce



Bev Is Right

Give Governor Perdue credit: whether it’s good politics or not, she’s doing the right thing on the sales tax.
Unless, of course, you believe it’s right for North Carolina to be 49th in the country in education spending. And some people clearly do. That’s the crowd that wants to further defund the schools, so they can in turn blame the schools for failing, so they can in turn further defund the schools.
The only question here is whether their political act will wear thin before North Carolina suffers irreparable damage.
Fifty years ago, Terry Sanford pushed through an unpopular tax increase for education. It’s one reason he is still regarded as a North Carolina hero.
Governor Perdue has taken a big step to fill his shoes.
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Gary Pearce

