Courage Again?

“I believe in a Democratic Party with a little backbone and a little guts.”

John Edwards is again calling on Democrats that have ‘guts;’ this time while campaigning in Ohio to increase the state’s minimum wage.

My guess is you could search Ohio for a week and not find a single Democrat who votes in primaries who disagrees with Edwards. So, why is this a display of courage?

Richard Nixon used to say, ‘I’m going to stand up to forced busing no matter how much it hurts me politically.’ Huh? It didn’t hurt him at all. But a lot of people who opposed busing thought Nixon was taking a real risk standing up for them.

I guess those Democrats in Ohio may think Edwards is taking a real risk, too.

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Carter Wrenn



Courage Again?

“I believe in a Democratic Party with a little backbone and a little guts.”

John Edwards is again calling on Democrats that have ‘guts;’ this time while campaigning in Ohio to increase the state’s minimum wage.

My guess is you could search Ohio for a week and not find a single Democrat who votes in primaries who disagrees with Edwards. So, why is this a display of courage?

Richard Nixon used to say, ‘I’m going to stand up to forced busing no matter how much it hurts me politically.’ Huh? It didn’t hurt him at all. But a lot of people who opposed busing thought Nixon was taking a real risk standing up for them.

I guess those Democrats in Ohio may think Edwards is taking a real risk, too.

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Carter Wrenn

