The U.N. Goes Gay
June 29, 2011 - by
Richard, the Intellectual, sat down at breakfast and out of sheer devilment looked across the table at Mike the Democrat and said, Well, I see in the newspaper this morning Obama’s now gotten the United Nations to officially go ‘gay, lesbian and transgender’ friendly.
Ole’ Will Patton, the lawyer, looked up and said, How’s that? and Richard explained how Obama, along with our Western European friends, passed a pro gay rights resolution in the U.N.
Mr. Patton frowned, then grunted. Who opposed it? and Richard said, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Pakistan. China abstained.
Mr. Patton is now past ninety but back in his prime no one was a more staunch Cold Warrior – a World War II veteran and a Southern Democrat he switched parties when Lyndon Johnston lost the Viet Nam War and he’d worked tirelessly to elect Ronald Reagan from the moment he’d heard him declare he meant to win the Cold War. He said:
It’s been a long time since I agreed with the Russians on anything.

The U.N. Goes Gay
June 29, 2011/

Richard, the Intellectual, sat down at breakfast and out of sheer devilment looked across the table at Mike the Democrat and said, Well, I see in the newspaper this morning Obama’s now gotten the United Nations to officially go ‘gay, lesbian and transgender’ friendly.
Ole’ Will Patton, the lawyer, looked up and said, How’s that? and Richard explained how Obama, along with our Western European friends, passed a pro gay rights resolution in the U.N.
Mr. Patton frowned, then grunted. Who opposed it? and Richard said, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Pakistan. China abstained.
Mr. Patton is now past ninety but back in his prime no one was a more staunch Cold Warrior – a World War II veteran and a Southern Democrat he switched parties when Lyndon Johnston lost the Viet Nam War and he’d worked tirelessly to elect Ronald Reagan from the moment he’d heard him declare he meant to win the Cold War. He said:
It’s been a long time since I agreed with the Russians on anything.