Deep Throat

My guess is hardly anyone reading this blog remembers when the movie Deep Throat came out 37 years ago – but there was an article about it in the paper last Saturday.
Some sleuth has figured out that back in 1972 (when I was nineteen) the FBI moved heaven and earth to keep the movie out of theaters;—as the newspaper put it the FBI fought a determined rear-guard action to “roll back what became a cultural shift toward more permissive entertainment” – and lost. Big time.

“The story of Deep Throat,” a constitutional law professor at Rutgers says, “is the story of the last gasp of the forces lined up against the cultural and sexual revolution and it is the advent of the entry of pornography in the mainstream.”

No one can argue with that.

The FBI standing for less sex back in 1972 proved to be a losing proposition – so, since, we’ve progressed from Leave it to Beaver to Sex and the City and the roots of enlightenment now run so deep just the other day, according to another newspaper story, a ‘lady of the evening’ in Denver placed an ad on ‘Craig’s List’ then flew to Raleigh to ply her trade.

Somehow, in the midst of all this progress, it’s hard not to feel a little nostalgia for the good old days of I Love Lucy and wonder if enlightenment  isn’t what it was cracked up to be – but, then, I’m not nineteen anymore.
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Carter Wrenn



Deep Throat

My guess is hardly anyone reading this blog remembers when the movie Deep Throat came out 37 years ago – but there was an article about it in the paper last Saturday.
Some sleuth has figured out that back in 1972 (when I was nineteen) the FBI moved heaven and earth to keep the movie out of theaters;—as the newspaper put it the FBI fought a determined rear-guard action to “roll back what became a cultural shift toward more permissive entertainment” – and lost. Big time.

“The story of Deep Throat,” a constitutional law professor at Rutgers says, “is the story of the last gasp of the forces lined up against the cultural and sexual revolution and it is the advent of the entry of pornography in the mainstream.”

No one can argue with that.

The FBI standing for less sex back in 1972 proved to be a losing proposition – so, since, we’ve progressed from Leave it to Beaver to Sex and the City and the roots of enlightenment now run so deep just the other day, according to another newspaper story, a ‘lady of the evening’ in Denver placed an ad on ‘Craig’s List’ then flew to Raleigh to ply her trade.

Somehow, in the midst of all this progress, it’s hard not to feel a little nostalgia for the good old days of I Love Lucy and wonder if enlightenment  isn’t what it was cracked up to be – but, then, I’m not nineteen anymore.
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Carter Wrenn

