Primary Reading Program

Craig Phillips, who died Tuesday, was a good and progressive Superintendent of Public Instruction. But I feel compelled to correct one small thing in the N&O’s story about him.
The story said Phillips “put reading aides in state elementary school classrooms as part of his Primary Reading Program.”
No. The Primary Reading Program was a Jim Hunt initiative. Phillips may well have supported it, but Hunt proposed it in 1976 (his first race for Governor) and pushed it through the legislature in 1977.

I know that’s so, because I was there. And it’s in my book.
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Gary Pearce



Primary Reading Program

Craig Phillips, who died Tuesday, was a good and progressive Superintendent of Public Instruction. But I feel compelled to correct one small thing in the N&O’s story about him.
The story said Phillips “put reading aides in state elementary school classrooms as part of his Primary Reading Program.”
No. The Primary Reading Program was a Jim Hunt initiative. Phillips may well have supported it, but Hunt proposed it in 1976 (his first race for Governor) and pushed it through the legislature in 1977.

I know that’s so, because I was there. And it’s in my book.
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Gary Pearce

