Recipe For Trouble

You can see this ad coming:
“Unemployment is at double-digits. The state has a $3 billion budget deficit. North Carolinians have a hard time making ends meet. What did Governor Perdue do? She hired a new chef for the Executive Mansion. Salary; $76,000.”
Yes, the Governor must entertain. Dignitaries must be honored, and industrial recruits must be wooed. The state must put its best foot – er, food – forward.
But this can cause a bad case of political indigestion.
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Gary Pearce



Recipe For Trouble

You can see this ad coming:
“Unemployment is at double-digits. The state has a $3 billion budget deficit. North Carolinians have a hard time making ends meet. What did Governor Perdue do? She hired a new chef for the Executive Mansion. Salary; $76,000.”
Yes, the Governor must entertain. Dignitaries must be honored, and industrial recruits must be wooed. The state must put its best foot – er, food – forward.
But this can cause a bad case of political indigestion.
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Gary Pearce

