Fetzer Out Front

Tom Fetzer stole the stage – literally – from Pat McCrory Tuesday night.
McCrory had what seemed like a prime spot: introducing Senator Burr for his victory speech.
But Fetzer was front and center in the photos and video of the bigger story: Republicans taking the legislature.
Fetzer is in prime position now to pick his spot. If not a race for governor, how about a new congressional seat?
And McCrory has to be looking over his back.
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Gary Pearce



Fetzer Out Front

Tom Fetzer stole the stage – literally – from Pat McCrory Tuesday night.
McCrory had what seemed like a prime spot: introducing Senator Burr for his victory speech.
But Fetzer was front and center in the photos and video of the bigger story: Republicans taking the legislature.
Fetzer is in prime position now to pick his spot. If not a race for governor, how about a new congressional seat?
And McCrory has to be looking over his back.
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Gary Pearce

