Bev’s Bad Break

A wise old Democrat told me recently that Bev Perdue’s biggest problem is: “She’s broken too many promises.”
The recession and the budget crater are mostly to blame. She’s had to disappoint her friends in education, health care, aging services and mental health.
But her promise to run an ethical administration doesn’t cost any money.
So she can’t be happy with Sunday’s front-page N&O headline: “Perdue falls short on ethics vow.”
I believe she is getting a raw deal on the campaign-finance issues that Tom Fetzer is trumpeting. She’s been open, aggressive and forthcoming there.
But that approach hasn’t carried over to appointees in her administration. Which is understandable. They are, by definition, supporters and contributors.
But she set herself up by making a sweeping promise – one that she found hard to keep.
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Gary Pearce



Bev’s Bad Break

A wise old Democrat told me recently that Bev Perdue’s biggest problem is: “She’s broken too many promises.”
The recession and the budget crater are mostly to blame. She’s had to disappoint her friends in education, health care, aging services and mental health.
But her promise to run an ethical administration doesn’t cost any money.
So she can’t be happy with Sunday’s front-page N&O headline: “Perdue falls short on ethics vow.”
I believe she is getting a raw deal on the campaign-finance issues that Tom Fetzer is trumpeting. She’s been open, aggressive and forthcoming there.
But that approach hasn’t carried over to appointees in her administration. Which is understandable. They are, by definition, supporters and contributors.
But she set herself up by making a sweeping promise – one that she found hard to keep.
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Gary Pearce

