Cheap Shot Cal

Young Cal Cunningham seems to have a future in politics or, rather, he may be a real politician – example his latest email; he urgently writes:
“I can’t believe it. This morning Senator Richard Burr voted against funding our troops…as hundreds of Marines at Camp Lejeune held tearful farewells…as they prepared to ship out to Afghanistan.”
Cal goes on to add Richard Burr also doesn’t want our troops to have body armor or armored vehicles;¾so, according to young Cal, his opponent in the Senate race is a wicked knave who wants to abandon our troops in Afghanistan, leaving them stranded without a dime and without body armor; I doubt people will be any more likely to believe that than they were to believe another North Carolina politician when she said Kay Hagan was an atheist.
In fact what Senator Burr did was vote against a Defense Appropriations bill loaded with pork after saying Congress ought to fund the military and forget the pork.
Last fall Elizabeth Dole reaffirmed the principle in most campaigns it’s not what your opponent does to you, it’s what you do to yourself that defeats you and young Cal Cunningham’s proved the point again.
Richard Burr ought to be thanking his lucky stars – he may be the luckiest politician on earth.


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Carter Wrenn



Cheap Shot Cal

Young Cal Cunningham seems to have a future in politics or, rather, he may be a real politician – example his latest email; he urgently writes:
“I can’t believe it. This morning Senator Richard Burr voted against funding our troops…as hundreds of Marines at Camp Lejeune held tearful farewells…as they prepared to ship out to Afghanistan.”
Cal goes on to add Richard Burr also doesn’t want our troops to have body armor or armored vehicles;¾so, according to young Cal, his opponent in the Senate race is a wicked knave who wants to abandon our troops in Afghanistan, leaving them stranded without a dime and without body armor; I doubt people will be any more likely to believe that than they were to believe another North Carolina politician when she said Kay Hagan was an atheist.
In fact what Senator Burr did was vote against a Defense Appropriations bill loaded with pork after saying Congress ought to fund the military and forget the pork.
Last fall Elizabeth Dole reaffirmed the principle in most campaigns it’s not what your opponent does to you, it’s what you do to yourself that defeats you and young Cal Cunningham’s proved the point again.
Richard Burr ought to be thanking his lucky stars – he may be the luckiest politician on earth.


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Carter Wrenn

