Where do you Stand Beverly?

If anyone’s wondering why Governor Perdue’s popularity is languishing at political rock bottom the answer may be zigging and zagging.

Governor Perdue was for budget cuts, then she was against budget cuts.  She told the legislature to raise taxes, any taxes, it didn’t matter to her which; then she blasted legislators for raising the wrong taxes.

Now she’s zigzagging again.

Last year, running for Governor, she said she was 100% against ‘drilling for oil off North Carolina’s coast.’  She said it would never happen on her watch.  Then gas prices soared and she redefined the meaning of never, saying, in effect, never had come and gone so she was going to appoint a panel of experts to study offshore drilling.

That got her through the election successfully then the whole idea vanished, no one heard another word about her panel – until a week ago when the Civitas Institute took a poll and found 72% of the voters still favor offshore drilling.

That, apparently, stirred the Governor into action.  The offshore oil drilling study panel came off the shelf and the Governor announced she was appointing it forthwith, except she didn’t appoint a single person – so, as far as I know, we’re the first state in history with a panel to study offshore drilling with no one on it.

Once upon a time Ole Governor Jim Hunt got himself into heaps of political trouble by always having his finger to the political wind and changing directions like a weathervane.  With Bev Perdue it’s déjà vu’ all over again. 


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Carter Wrenn



Where do you Stand Beverly?

If anyone’s wondering why Governor Perdue’s popularity is languishing at political rock bottom the answer may be zigging and zagging.

Governor Perdue was for budget cuts, then she was against budget cuts.  She told the legislature to raise taxes, any taxes, it didn’t matter to her which; then she blasted legislators for raising the wrong taxes.

Now she’s zigzagging again.

Last year, running for Governor, she said she was 100% against ‘drilling for oil off North Carolina’s coast.’  She said it would never happen on her watch.  Then gas prices soared and she redefined the meaning of never, saying, in effect, never had come and gone so she was going to appoint a panel of experts to study offshore drilling.

That got her through the election successfully then the whole idea vanished, no one heard another word about her panel – until a week ago when the Civitas Institute took a poll and found 72% of the voters still favor offshore drilling.

That, apparently, stirred the Governor into action.  The offshore oil drilling study panel came off the shelf and the Governor announced she was appointing it forthwith, except she didn’t appoint a single person – so, as far as I know, we’re the first state in history with a panel to study offshore drilling with no one on it.

Once upon a time Ole Governor Jim Hunt got himself into heaps of political trouble by always having his finger to the political wind and changing directions like a weathervane.  With Bev Perdue it’s déjà vu’ all over again. 


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Carter Wrenn

