Sharp DSCC Elbows

This isn’t how Cal Cunningham wanted to reenter the Senate race.
Joe (the Sledgehammer) Sinsheimer weighed in on Facebook: “While I think Cunningham is an attractive candidate, I really don’t like the idea of folks in Washington choosing our next Senator.”
Nor does Elaine Marshall’s campaign. The Hill says: “This has left Marshall‘s campaign pretty sore, and Cunningham should probably expect a heated primary battle.”
CQ Politics adds that Cunningham’s reentry in the race “is a victory for the DSCC, which has been working to get Cunningham to reconsider the contest after he passed on the race in mid-November. The only problem is that the news leaked out on the same day that…Marshall, who is also competing in the Democratic primary, was holding a funeral for her husband, who died last week at age 77.” 
Well, let’s get real.
The DSCC gets a say because the DSCC put $11 million behind Kay Hagan last year, and that’s why she’s a senator today.
Frankly, nobody believes Elaine Marshall can raise the money a Senate race will take, probably including Elaine Marshall.
As for the unseemliness of the DSCC and Cunningham plotting while Marshall’s husband was dying, his tragic illness did not keep the Marshall team from campaigning in recent weeks.
Besides, no one has asked how Ken Lewis, the other Democratic candidate, feels about the Obama White House dissing an African-American candidate who worked hard for Obama.
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Gary Pearce



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Sharp DSCC Elbows

This isn’t how Cal Cunningham wanted to reenter the Senate race.
Joe (the Sledgehammer) Sinsheimer weighed in on Facebook: “While I think Cunningham is an attractive candidate, I really don’t like the idea of folks in Washington choosing our next Senator.”
Nor does Elaine Marshall’s campaign. The Hill says: “This has left Marshall‘s campaign pretty sore, and Cunningham should probably expect a heated primary battle.”
CQ Politics adds that Cunningham’s reentry in the race “is a victory for the DSCC, which has been working to get Cunningham to reconsider the contest after he passed on the race in mid-November. The only problem is that the news leaked out on the same day that…Marshall, who is also competing in the Democratic primary, was holding a funeral for her husband, who died last week at age 77.” 
Well, let’s get real.
The DSCC gets a say because the DSCC put $11 million behind Kay Hagan last year, and that’s why she’s a senator today.
Frankly, nobody believes Elaine Marshall can raise the money a Senate race will take, probably including Elaine Marshall.
As for the unseemliness of the DSCC and Cunningham plotting while Marshall’s husband was dying, his tragic illness did not keep the Marshall team from campaigning in recent weeks.
Besides, no one has asked how Ken Lewis, the other Democratic candidate, feels about the Obama White House dissing an African-American candidate who worked hard for Obama.
Welcome to the NFL, boys and girls. They wear helmets and pads for a reason.
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Gary Pearce

