What’s Wrong with This Picture

The fight over the future of the Republican Party has spilled over into the state chairman’s race.

Linda Daves has the job. Fred Smith, apparently, wants it. And there’s a third, lesser known, candidate.

Daves’ critics say the last two elections prove she knows little about politics.

Smith’s critics say he spent $2.5 million of his own money to get himself elected governor and only carried four counties (I think) in the primary.

And the third candidate is calling for Republicans to run on a written ‘contract with North Carolina’ next election – an idea first tried fourteen years ago.

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Carter Wrenn



What’s Wrong with This Picture

The fight over the future of the Republican Party has spilled over into the state chairman’s race.

Linda Daves has the job. Fred Smith, apparently, wants it. And there’s a third, lesser known, candidate.

Daves’ critics say the last two elections prove she knows little about politics.

Smith’s critics say he spent $2.5 million of his own money to get himself elected governor and only carried four counties (I think) in the primary.

And the third candidate is calling for Republicans to run on a written ‘contract with North Carolina’ next election – an idea first tried fourteen years ago.

What’s wrong with this picture?

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Carter Wrenn

