Behind the Curtain: Conclusion
Being in a campaign is like peeling the skin off an onion: You just keep peeling away layers until, finally, you get to the core.
It turns out in the three major races in
That’s the thread running through each election and as a result – because President Bush is unpopular – Democratic candidates in North Carolina have hugged their national ticket like never before; they’ve embraced Obama while in the past Democratic candidates, like Jim Hunt or Mike Easley, gave the national ticket a wide berth. But it’s turned out to be a two-edged sword.
President Bush’s unpopularity brought Barack Obama to the dance here – he’s the first Democratic presidential candidate anywhere near carrying
And that’s where Kay Hagan and Bev Perdue grabbing Obama’s coattails turned out to be a two-edged sword.
Every time Perdue or Hagan has run an ad saying McCrory or Dole is a Bush clone, it has driven that tiny group of conservative Democrats – the old Jessecrats – straight to their opponents and now they find themselves anywhere from half a point (Perdue) to 3.5 points (Hagan) behind. And Bush’s unfavorables with the handful of undecided voters just don’t look big enough to make up the difference – especially for Hagan.
Essentially, the Democrats’ national strategy works just fine in a state like Virginia where President Bush’s unfavorables are 10 points higher than they are in North Carolina, but the same strategy comes up short here – so North Carolina may hold on to its red state status a little longer.
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Behind the Curtain: Conclusion
Being in a campaign is like peeling the skin off an onion: You just keep peeling away layers until, finally, you get to the core.
It turns out in the three major races in
That’s the thread running through each election and as a result – because President Bush is unpopular – Democratic candidates in North Carolina have hugged their national ticket like never before; they’ve embraced Obama while in the past Democratic candidates, like Jim Hunt or Mike Easley, gave the national ticket a wide berth. But it’s turned out to be a two-edged sword.
President Bush’s unpopularity brought Barack Obama to the dance here – he’s the first Democratic presidential candidate anywhere near carrying
And that’s where Kay Hagan and Bev Perdue grabbing Obama’s coattails turned out to be a two-edged sword.
Every time Perdue or Hagan has run an ad saying McCrory or Dole is a Bush clone, it has driven that tiny group of conservative Democrats – the old Jessecrats – straight to their opponents and now they find themselves anywhere from half a point (Perdue) to 3.5 points (Hagan) behind. And Bush’s unfavorables with the handful of undecided voters just don’t look big enough to make up the difference – especially for Hagan.
Essentially, the Democrats’ national strategy works just fine in a state like Virginia where President Bush’s unfavorables are 10 points higher than they are in North Carolina, but the same strategy comes up short here – so North Carolina may hold on to its red state status a little longer.
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