Sound Bites: Putting the Shoe on the Other Foot
One reader has taken me to task, accusing me of ‘defending’ Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Anonymous (which is fine) wrote about my post Sound Bites versus Reality:
Carter, before you act as a knee jerk apologist for Wright and Obama, you may want to look at that church’s website, which bases its “theology” on a black power treatise that calls for the “destruction of the white enemy…”
I wrote back and said Wright’s making his case the videos on Fox News are taken out of context and challenged Anonymous, ‘Now, make your case he’s wrong.’
He promptly did. He wrote:
Carter, the answer to Wright’s crayfishing claims that his off the wall statements are “out of context” is real simple. His statements, as portrayed to the public, are perfectly in context with the “destruction of the white enemy” philosophy contained in the black power treatise that his “church” openly states that its “theology” is based upon.
Well, I went to the Trinity Church website and the quote’s gone. Vanished. But it’s in plenty of other places on the Internet: How Rev. James Cone, the 60’s High-Lama of black power theology, wrote “Black Liberation Theology will only accept the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”
The way Anonymous sees it that’s a pretty good sign Wright (and his whole church) are bigots and the videos are right on target – because they show a bigot (who hates whites) blaming whites for everything from Aids to 9/11.
Now, there’s no way on earth I’m going to defend ‘Black Liberation Theology.’ It’s a mess. A quagmire. So let’s assume brother Anonymous is 100% right. That Wright (and his whole church) are bigoted. Well, right off, I ran into a problem. Because this arm waving bigot (and his church) admit whites. Which sounds crazy if they’re racists.
And, on top of that, this collection of bigots has been part of a predominantly white denomination for thirty years. How do you figure that out?
Ole’ Anonymous argument sounds logical but Wright’s thrown a wrench into the works; if he’s a bigot he’s also a walking contradiction – like the rest of us – so we’re back to figuring out the difference between ‘appearance (or, sound bite) versus reality’ – and maybe putting the shoe on the other foot will help.
The Democratic National Committee has an ad playing a video of John McCain saying he’ll stay in Iraq a hundred years. There it is. On videotape. He says it and it sure appears the old war hero’s set on fighting the war until 2108 if that’s what it takes. But my guess is McCain’s going to do the same thing as Reverend Wright and howl the videotape was taken out of context.
And he’s right. The ad makers at the Democratic Party didn’t look at that video and say, ‘Is the way we’re using this accurate?’ Instead, they said, “Will it get us votes?’ And then, maybe, they stopped long enough to wonder, ‘Is there any chance this will backfire?’
And the Republicans — including Anonymous, I suspect – are going to stand up beside McCain and howl that DNC ad is a dirty rotten trick.
But since the fur’s flying and the guys Anonymous is hoping will save America are hanging on by their fingernails (and being pummeled pretty good themselves) he’s got no inclination at all to put up with any howling from Reverend Wright. He hears the videos on Fox and says, Well, there it is. No doubt about it. He said it himself.
Just like the gaggle of liberal warriors over on MSNBC watching the videos of McCain are saying, Yep. It’s true. He said it. 100 Years.
Sound Bites: Putting the Shoe on the Other Foot
One reader has taken me to task, accusing me of ‘defending’ Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Anonymous (which is fine) wrote about my post Sound Bites versus Reality:
Carter, before you act as a knee jerk apologist for Wright and Obama, you may want to look at that church’s website, which bases its “theology” on a black power treatise that calls for the “destruction of the white enemy…”
I wrote back and said Wright’s making his case the videos on Fox News are taken out of context and challenged Anonymous, ‘Now, make your case he’s wrong.’
He promptly did. He wrote:
Carter, the answer to Wright’s crayfishing claims that his off the wall statements are “out of context” is real simple. His statements, as portrayed to the public, are perfectly in context with the “destruction of the white enemy” philosophy contained in the black power treatise that his “church” openly states that its “theology” is based upon.
Well, I went to the Trinity Church website and the quote’s gone. Vanished. But it’s in plenty of other places on the Internet: How Rev. James Cone, the 60’s High-Lama of black power theology, wrote “Black Liberation Theology will only accept the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”
The way Anonymous sees it that’s a pretty good sign Wright (and his whole church) are bigots and the videos are right on target – because they show a bigot (who hates whites) blaming whites for everything from Aids to 9/11.
Now, there’s no way on earth I’m going to defend ‘Black Liberation Theology.’ It’s a mess. A quagmire. So let’s assume brother Anonymous is 100% right. That Wright (and his whole church) are bigoted. Well, right off, I ran into a problem. Because this arm waving bigot (and his church) admit whites. Which sounds crazy if they’re racists.
And, on top of that, this collection of bigots has been part of a predominantly white denomination for thirty years. How do you figure that out?
Ole’ Anonymous argument sounds logical but Wright’s thrown a wrench into the works; if he’s a bigot he’s also a walking contradiction – like the rest of us – so we’re back to figuring out the difference between ‘appearance (or, sound bite) versus reality’ – and maybe putting the shoe on the other foot will help.
The Democratic National Committee has an ad playing a video of John McCain saying he’ll stay in Iraq a hundred years. There it is. On videotape. He says it and it sure appears the old war hero’s set on fighting the war until 2108 if that’s what it takes. But my guess is McCain’s going to do the same thing as Reverend Wright and howl the videotape was taken out of context.
And he’s right. The ad makers at the Democratic Party didn’t look at that video and say, ‘Is the way we’re using this accurate?’ Instead, they said, “Will it get us votes?’ And then, maybe, they stopped long enough to wonder, ‘Is there any chance this will backfire?’
And the Republicans — including Anonymous, I suspect – are going to stand up beside McCain and howl that DNC ad is a dirty rotten trick.
But since the fur’s flying and the guys Anonymous is hoping will save America are hanging on by their fingernails (and being pummeled pretty good themselves) he’s got no inclination at all to put up with any howling from Reverend Wright. He hears the videos on Fox and says, Well, there it is. No doubt about it. He said it himself.
Just like the gaggle of liberal warriors over on MSNBC watching the videos of McCain are saying, Yep. It’s true. He said it. 100 Years.