In Defense of Negative Ads

Let’s suppose you agree with Bev Perdue’s sudden conversion to campaign ads that are all positive, all the time. You believe candidates’ ads should be about themselves and never, never, ever even so much as mention their opponents.

Now let’s suppose you are an adviser to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for the fall campaign against John McCain.

One of your media consultants comes up with this ad:

“John McCain says America is on the right course in the Iraq war. I believe John McCain is wrong.”

The ad is true. It’s a fair statement of McCain’s position. And it’s one of the most important issues facing America this year.

But it mentions your opponent. It is “negative.”

And you’re not going to say it?

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Gary Pearce



In Defense of Negative Ads

Let’s suppose you agree with Bev Perdue’s sudden conversion to campaign ads that are all positive, all the time. You believe candidates’ ads should be about themselves and never, never, ever even so much as mention their opponents.

Now let’s suppose you are an adviser to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for the fall campaign against John McCain.

One of your media consultants comes up with this ad:

“John McCain says America is on the right course in the Iraq war. I believe John McCain is wrong.”

The ad is true. It’s a fair statement of McCain’s position. And it’s one of the most important issues facing America this year.

But it mentions your opponent. It is “negative.”

And you’re not going to say it?

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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Gary Pearce

