Governor Easley Turns Over a New Leaf?
Governor Easley told top newspaper editors in a meeting with the leaders of the NC Press Association that the flap over his aides ordering state public information officers to delete e-mails “should never have happened.” (Earlier, he – or his office – had denied any such thing ever happened).
He added, reassuring the editors, that he’d instructed his staff to “work more cooperatively with the news media.” And, “The ones who don’t, I’ve got other things they can do.”
So is the governor turning over a new leaf? Or dancing a two-step with the press? There’s a simple way to find out.
There are three state public information officers who have either said, or written, they were told by the governor’s office to delete e-mails.
Governor Easley has refused to let them talk to the News & Observer.
If he’s really interested in turning over a new leaf he can lead by example.
He can tell those three public information officers, now, today, “Go ahead. Talk to the News & Observer.”
Governor Easley Turns Over a New Leaf?
Governor Easley told top newspaper editors in a meeting with the leaders of the NC Press Association that the flap over his aides ordering state public information officers to delete e-mails “should never have happened.” (Earlier, he – or his office – had denied any such thing ever happened).
He added, reassuring the editors, that he’d instructed his staff to “work more cooperatively with the news media.” And, “The ones who don’t, I’ve got other things they can do.”
So is the governor turning over a new leaf? Or dancing a two-step with the press? There’s a simple way to find out.
There are three state public information officers who have either said, or written, they were told by the governor’s office to delete e-mails.
Governor Easley has refused to let them talk to the News & Observer.
If he’s really interested in turning over a new leaf he can lead by example.
He can tell those three public information officers, now, today, “Go ahead. Talk to the News & Observer.”