Debate Lurkers?

We warn our kids to beware of who their online chat friends really are. Maybe the same caveat should apply to politics.

Ryan Teague Beckwith writes in the N&O today about North Carolina’s first online debate – between Bev Perdue and Richard Moore. It’s sponsored by the BlueNC blog.

Question: How do we know it’s the candidates – not staff or consultants – who are doing the debating?

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Gary Pearce



Debate Lurkers?

We warn our kids to beware of who their online chat friends really are. Maybe the same caveat should apply to politics.

Ryan Teague Beckwith writes in the N&O today about North Carolina’s first online debate – between Bev Perdue and Richard Moore. It’s sponsored by the BlueNC blog.

Question: How do we know it’s the candidates – not staff or consultants – who are doing the debating?

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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Gary Pearce

