Debbie Sunshine?

Perhaps someone can shine the light of open-government on this question.

Debbie Crane, former PIO at Health and Human Services, is being praised as a paragon of open government. She spoke at the Sunshine Week program at Elon University.

Yet Crane says she told ex-Secretary Carmen Hooker Odom NOT to talk to The News & Observer about what the Easley administration said or did not say back when the mental health reforms passed.

Where is the openness?

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Gary Pearce



Debbie Sunshine?

Perhaps someone can shine the light of open-government on this question.

Debbie Crane, former PIO at Health and Human Services, is being praised as a paragon of open government. She spoke at the Sunshine Week program at Elon University.

Yet Crane says she told ex-Secretary Carmen Hooker Odom NOT to talk to The News & Observer about what the Easley administration said or did not say back when the mental health reforms passed.

Where is the openness?

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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Gary Pearce

