Easy Writer, RIP

William F. Buckley, Jr. was an admirable and enjoyable fellow, regardless of his conservative politics.

He was a master of words, ideas and wit. He showed that political debate could be friendly, entertaining and yet still penetrating. He lacked the hard-edged meanness that for some reason consumed Jesse Helms, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich and other New Right leaders.

Buckley was prolific and – frequently and amusingly – pretentious. He wrote some 55 books, plus countless columns, lectures, reviews and essays. He was not a suffering, starving artist. He wrote easily and freely, happily pleading guilty to the charge – or compliment – that he could write his column in 20 minutes.

Agree with him or not, Buckley proved that words – just words, as Barack Obama might say – are important. Words and ideas can make a difference in America. So can wit.

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Gary Pearce



Easy Writer, RIP

William F. Buckley, Jr. was an admirable and enjoyable fellow, regardless of his conservative politics.

He was a master of words, ideas and wit. He showed that political debate could be friendly, entertaining and yet still penetrating. He lacked the hard-edged meanness that for some reason consumed Jesse Helms, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich and other New Right leaders.

Buckley was prolific and – frequently and amusingly – pretentious. He wrote some 55 books, plus countless columns, lectures, reviews and essays. He was not a suffering, starving artist. He wrote easily and freely, happily pleading guilty to the charge – or compliment – that he could write his column in 20 minutes.

Agree with him or not, Buckley proved that words – just words, as Barack Obama might say – are important. Words and ideas can make a difference in America. So can wit.

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Gary Pearce

