The Great Scam

Last election Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker and Rodger Koopman and Nancy McFarlane pummeled their opponents in North Raleigh for being cozy with developers.

They said mushrooming growth was out of hand, the developer-villains were out of hand, and Council members Jessie Taliafero and Tommy Craven were bosom buddies with developers – they scared the willies out of everyone and got elected.

It was a scam. There’s hardly a block left to develop in North Raleigh. Growth can’t get out of hand because there’s nowhere left to grow. The developer-villains’ hands are tied not by Mayor Meeker but by lack of land.

The real problem in North Raleigh is simple: We’ve had the growth. What we need now are the roads.

But, last election, by making developers villains Meeker and company dodged that issue.

Someone ought to take a few minutes to add up how much money the Mayor and Russell Stephenson and Thomas Crowder are spending in the district they all live in downtown – and compare it to how much they’ve spent in one of the districts in North Raleigh.

Then, maybe, folks in North Raleigh will wake up. And not get hoodwinked a second time by politicians promising to end growth to solve their problems.

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Carter Wrenn



The Great Scam

Last election Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker and Rodger Koopman and Nancy McFarlane pummeled their opponents in North Raleigh for being cozy with developers.

They said mushrooming growth was out of hand, the developer-villains were out of hand, and Council members Jessie Taliafero and Tommy Craven were bosom buddies with developers – they scared the willies out of everyone and got elected.

It was a scam. There’s hardly a block left to develop in North Raleigh. Growth can’t get out of hand because there’s nowhere left to grow. The developer-villains’ hands are tied not by Mayor Meeker but by lack of land.

The real problem in North Raleigh is simple: We’ve had the growth. What we need now are the roads.

But, last election, by making developers villains Meeker and company dodged that issue.

Someone ought to take a few minutes to add up how much money the Mayor and Russell Stephenson and Thomas Crowder are spending in the district they all live in downtown – and compare it to how much they’ve spent in one of the districts in North Raleigh.

Then, maybe, folks in North Raleigh will wake up. And not get hoodwinked a second time by politicians promising to end growth to solve their problems.

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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Carter Wrenn

