Obama’s Olympic Event
October 1, 2009 - by
Republicans and the media are up in arms because President Obama will go overseas to lobby for the Olympics in Chicago in 2016.
A waste of time, they sniff, when the nation faces so many important issues.
Once again, Obama is a step ahead of his critics.
His trip would be one of the few times a presidential trip overseas isn’t pre-packaged with gift-wrapped announcements designed to look presidential.
Instead, it’s a risk, a campaign for world opinion.
What his Republican critics may really fear is that it works. Maybe they remember how cancelling the 1980 Olympics hurt Jimmy Carter – and how the “USA ! USA !” Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 helped Ronald Reagan’s reelection.
Besides, hosting the Olympics in Chicago the last year of his second term would be a nice way for Obama to go out.
Posted in Issues, National Democrats

Obama’s Olympic Event
October 1, 2009/

Republicans and the media are up in arms because President Obama will go overseas to lobby for the Olympics in Chicago in 2016.
A waste of time, they sniff, when the nation faces so many important issues.
Once again, Obama is a step ahead of his critics.
His trip would be one of the few times a presidential trip overseas isn’t pre-packaged with gift-wrapped announcements designed to look presidential.
Instead, it’s a risk, a campaign for world opinion.
What his Republican critics may really fear is that it works. Maybe they remember how cancelling the 1980 Olympics hurt Jimmy Carter – and how the “USA ! USA !” Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 helped Ronald Reagan’s reelection.
Besides, hosting the Olympics in Chicago the last year of his second term would be a nice way for Obama to go out.
Posted in Issues, National Democrats