The Professor

Looking back the first warning sign was his crowing: For years, the professor wrote, he’d traveled the world. He’d set up elections in strange places like Sudan. Along with his Danish colleague he’d designed the first model – measuring over 50 moving parts of the political process – to determine whether elections were fair. He’d…

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Pray for our country

Trump hasn’t been inaugurated. The Republican Congress convened just last week. But they’ve already taken strong stands against two things they clearly oppose: Intelligence Ethics.

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The Clash

The election proved just about everyone’s fed up with Washington politics but the first day of the new Congress the Washington Politicians proved they didn’t get the message: Foolishness usually starts at the top in Congress but this time it started at the bottom with the Republican back-benchers who, out of a clear blue sky,…

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The Times and Trump

When North Korea said it was going to test an intercontinental ballistic missile that would reach the U.S. Donald Trump grabbed his Twitter machine and roared, ‘North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won’t happen!’ Reading Trump’s tweet…

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Roy’s strong and stormy start

At Friday night’s SnowBall, a young woman bemoaned all that had happened to Governor Cooper since the election two months ago: McCrory’s month-long refusal to concede, the legislature’s power grab and, now, a winter storm disrupting his inaugural. “Poor Roy,” she said. “He can’t catch a break.” Saturday morning, as I alternated between watching the…

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Darkness is Bi-partisan

The other morning laying in bed, opening John’s Gospel I read: Truth is the road to light. Later that morning in my office opening the newspaper I read a new poll (by The Economist) said half of Donald Trump’s voters believe President Obama was born in Kenya (even though Trump now says that’s not so)…

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Feed the Birds!

With snow in the forecast, this is my annual reminder – for the sake of our feathered friends and in memory of my father. First, the birds. Snow covers up the seeds, bugs, worms and other delicacies they eat. So, Feed the Birds! When you stock up on bread, milk, toilet paper, wine and brownie…

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Storm warnings

The weather forecast this weekend is the Universe’s way of preparing North Carolina for the next four years: Big storms are coming, nobody can predict what will happen and there is maximum risk to life, limb and political futures. And, just to squeeze the last drops from this metaphor, any slip-ups can be fatal, only…

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