100 Years of Disaster?
February 7, 2011 - by
Senator Bob Rucho’s rant on the Senate floor last week probably reflects the humiliations he suffered when Democrats ruled the legislature with iron hands.
It also reflects the overreach that is the biggest threat to the Republican’s current majorities.
As in: “Hang on, it’s going to take us a little time to recover from 100 years of disaster.”
Now 100 years covers a lot of ground – including things like women’s suffrage, civil rights, the community college system, Research Triangle Park , the emergence of Rucho’s Charlotte as an economic giant, etc.
A mischief-making Democrat in the legislature might welcome that rhetoric – and already be thinking about how to next provoke Rucho.
Just like Democrats after 2008, Republicans are over-reading their victories in 2010. Voters didn’t endorse their policies; they rejected Democratic policies – or, more precisely, the lack of results Democratic policies had on the economy.
The best thing that could happen to Democrats this year is for Republicans to try to correct everything that happened the last 100 years that they don’t like.

100 Years of Disaster?
February 7, 2011/

Senator Bob Rucho’s rant on the Senate floor last week probably reflects the humiliations he suffered when Democrats ruled the legislature with iron hands.
It also reflects the overreach that is the biggest threat to the Republican’s current majorities.
As in: “Hang on, it’s going to take us a little time to recover from 100 years of disaster.”
Now 100 years covers a lot of ground – including things like women’s suffrage, civil rights, the community college system, Research Triangle Park , the emergence of Rucho’s Charlotte as an economic giant, etc.
A mischief-making Democrat in the legislature might welcome that rhetoric – and already be thinking about how to next provoke Rucho.
Just like Democrats after 2008, Republicans are over-reading their victories in 2010. Voters didn’t endorse their policies; they rejected Democratic policies – or, more precisely, the lack of results Democratic policies had on the economy.
The best thing that could happen to Democrats this year is for Republicans to try to correct everything that happened the last 100 years that they don’t like.