Hail Mark Ezzell
Every great saga has a hero. The hero of the Wake County early-voting saga is Mark Ezzell.
With persistence and persuasiveness, Ezzell, the lone Democrat on the Wake County elections board, prevailed in his effort to expand early voting here.
He persuaded the GOP-majority state board to vote 3-2 to expand the number of voting sites in Wake from one to nine during the first week of early voting, which starts Oct. 20.
The villain here is GOP attack dog Dallas Woodhouse, guilty of a naked attempt to use government power to tilt an election. The kind of thing Donald Trump’s pal Vladimir Putin would do.
Let’s also salute the Republican county and state board members who shunned the worst of Woodhouse’s shenanigans. They put what’s right for North Carolina ahead of a narrow view of what’s right for the Republican Party.
Note to Roy Cooper: If you are elected Governor, Mark Ezzell would make a fine chairman of the state elections board. Just saying.

Hail Mark Ezzell

Every great saga has a hero. The hero of the Wake County early-voting saga is Mark Ezzell.
With persistence and persuasiveness, Ezzell, the lone Democrat on the Wake County elections board, prevailed in his effort to expand early voting here.
He persuaded the GOP-majority state board to vote 3-2 to expand the number of voting sites in Wake from one to nine during the first week of early voting, which starts Oct. 20.
The villain here is GOP attack dog Dallas Woodhouse, guilty of a naked attempt to use government power to tilt an election. The kind of thing Donald Trump’s pal Vladimir Putin would do.
Let’s also salute the Republican county and state board members who shunned the worst of Woodhouse’s shenanigans. They put what’s right for North Carolina ahead of a narrow view of what’s right for the Republican Party.
Note to Roy Cooper: If you are elected Governor, Mark Ezzell would make a fine chairman of the state elections board. Just saying.